Tuesday 13 November 2012

How Invisible is Invisalign?

Ever wondered just how invisible Invisalign is?
Here’s a couple of photos that highlight just that. These photos were taken on one of our models using an actual Invisalign retainer. It’s completely transparent and looks nothing like the metal braces of old. The retainers fit over your teeth like a glove and are very comfortable to wear.
Once their in your mouth no-one will be able to tell you’re wearing braces unless you point it out to them.
Invisalign really is the clear alternative to braces.
And right now we’re making it even easier for you as we’ve got a few free consultations available. Come along and have a chat to one of our orthodontists and we’ll even scan your teeth for you, so you can see in 3D how perfect your teeth could look with the help of Invisalign.
If you’ve got any questions, or would like to make an appointment then give us a call on 5597 3344.
Medland Orthodontics and Invisalign

Invisalign can be worn without being detected.

The Clear Alternative To Braces

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